


A good question informs whereas a great question transforms. This module on 'Questioning Techniques' aims at equipping teachers with various questioning methods that guarantees response from even the quietest child in class. While the module focusses primarily on the PPPB (pose, pause, pounce & bounce) technique, it also touches upon a few other things that need to be kept in mind while framing and posing a question that motivates deep, insightful learning. This program will help teachers introspect and then understand their style of questioning better in order to unlearn and relearn. 


  Questioning Skills - Introduction

  • Introduction to Questioning Skills
  • Pose, pause, Pounce and Bounce
  • Why PPPB is useful
  • Think pair Share- Learning Strategy
  • Questions to Reflect
  • Reflection on Questioning Techniques
  • Feedback Form
  • Your Journey with us begins here!
  • External Material to refer
  • Extra Material to Refer