


Tell me and I'll forget

Show me and I'll remember

Involve me and I'll understand.

Teaching children by experiential learning helps in retaining a concept. In this foundational course, teachers will understand the approach of experiential education. A historical overview and theoretical framework will be discussed along with examples of learning experiences and the process of planning the same. The course is being offered in 3 modules.

Key Takeaways:

In this online course, teachers will be able to:

1. Understand the approach and cycle of experiential education

2. Learn about experiences that can be created in class, outside, at home and virtually

3. Become aware of the processes and tools needed to plan, create and measure impact of such experiences


  Introduction to Learning by Experience

  • Introduction to Learning by Experince

  Practical Examples of Learning by Experience

  • Examples of Learning Experience

  Processing of Design and Planning

  • Processing of Design and Planning
  • Feedback Form
  • Your Journey with us begins here!